Mini Checklist:

  • Have you looked over the rules/guidelines for your event (The official Thespy website is:

    1. Your performance event (tech events can choose any play) must be found on 1 of the following below:

      1. approved on “Green Light List” under “Rights and Licensing” on the Thespy website

    2. is a show that is posted on

3. is a show that is posted on

  • Have you visited Senior Thespians Thespys to find general rules & the actual rubrics the judges will be using to score your event at District and State festivals?

District 12 Rules for Thespys 2023-24:

All Thespys must abide by the licensing and performance policies! (Listed on Thespy webite)

Dress code: Black/Dark colored clothing when presenting a Thespy.

Thespy Website:

Thespy Categories:

  • Solo Acting (Formerly Monologue)

  • Duet Acting

  • Group Acting

  • Solo Musical Theatre Performance

  • Duet Musical Theatre Performance

  • Small Group Musical Theatre Performance

  • Large Group Musical Theatre Performance

  • Musical Theatre Dance

  • Costume Construction

  • Costume Design

  • Student Directed

  • Makeup Design

  • Playwriting

  • Stage Management

  • Theatre Marketing

  • Scenic Design

D12 Slating Rules:

Thespians must begin their presentation with an introduction known as a slate. The slate should include the following information:

  • The Thespian’s name (or names, for group categories)

  • Title of selection being performed or work being showcased (e.g., Hamlet's soliloguy from Hamlet for a Solo Acting entry)

  • Name of the playwright(s).

  • Troupe number

Time begins following the final digit of your troupe number.