Mini Checklist:
Have you looked over the rules/guidelines for your event (The official Thespy website is:
Your performance event (tech events can choose any play) must be found on 1 of the following below:
1. approved on “Green Light List” under “Rights and Licensing” on the Thespy website
2. is a show that is posted on
3. is a show that is posted on
Have you visited Senior Thespians Thespys to find general rules & the actual rubrics the judges will be using to score your event at District and State festivals?
Updated Thespy Rules/Info
Individual Room Schedule
District 12 Rules for Thespys 2023-24:
All Thespys must abide by the licensing and performance policies! (Listed on Thespy webite)
Dress code: Black/Dark colored clothing when presenting a Thespy.
Thespy Website:
Thespy Categories:
Solo Acting (Formerly Monologue)
Duet Acting
Group Acting
Solo Musical Theatre Performance
Duet Musical Theatre Performance
Small Group Musical Theatre Performance
Large Group Musical Theatre Performance
Musical Theatre Dance
Costume Construction
Costume Design
Student Directed
Makeup Design
Stage Management
Theatre Marketing
Scenic Design
D12 Slating Rules:
Thespians must begin their presentation with an introduction known as a slate. The slate should include the following information:
The Thespian’s name (or names, for group categories)
Title of selection being performed or work being showcased (e.g., Hamlet's soliloguy from Hamlet for a Solo Acting entry)
Name of the playwright(s).
Troupe number
Time begins following the final digit of your troupe number.